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admin 2021-11-17 14:22:34 win7技术

on the edge In a precarious position. 边界状态:处于不稳定的状态 In a state of keen excitement, as from danger or risk: 激动,兴奋:处于高度兴奋状态,如由危险或冒险引起的: “the excitement of combat, of living on the edge”(Nelson DeMille) “由一触即发的战斗引起的激动”(纳尔逊·德米叶) 我找不到at the edge of的用法,会不会是代替on the edge的用法?会不会是非英美人士所言? 请将你看到的英文原文寄上。


on the edge In a precarious position. 边界状态:处于不稳定的状态 In a state of keen excitement, as from danger or risk: 激动,兴奋:处于高度兴奋状态,如由危险或冒险引起的: “the excitement of combat, of living on the edge”(Nelson DeMille) “由一触即发的战斗引起的激动”(纳尔逊·德米叶) 我找不到at the edge of的用法,会不会是代替on the edge的用法?会不会是非英美人士所言? 请将你看到的英文原文寄上。


edge in 1. 侧着入内;设法进入;(费力地)挤入,(慢慢地)挤进: Jack edged the dictionary in on the bookshelf.杰克把那本词典插进书架。 2. 插(话等): I could scarcely edge in a word (of my own).我几乎连一句话也插不进去。 edge oneself into 从边缘慢慢挤入 edge into traffic从侧缓入车流中 3. on the edge of adv. 几乎;濒于;快要 ,在…边缘上 He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room. 三天之后他在自己的房间里被发现,已濒于死亡。 If you put that pot on the edge of the table it will fall off . 你要是把罐子放在桌子边上,它会掉下去的。 4.at the edge of …在……的边沿上 The birds were singing at the edge of the woods. 鸟儿在树林边宛转地唱歌。

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